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Areas of Development

In corporate employee performance reviews, the list below provides some of the areas that are reviewed. Please use this list to complete a self-evaluation. It can help identify things that you want to improve upon.

Development Areas for Professionals

❖ Retrospection - The easiest way to learn is to look at our past, recall the actions that worked and those that did not.


❖ Self-Awareness - Self-awareness and self-control is the keystone of emotional intelligence. You are self-aware when you clearly recognize your strengths and weaknesses.


❖ Self-Control – This is the measure of how we control our behavior in tough situations.


❖ Guiding Principles – This means making an effort to understand the company’s philosophy and make decisions that align with those principles.


❖ Listening - Listening is not the same as hearing. Listening involves an active and conscious attempt to understand the meaning of the message while taking into account the disturbances or barriers that might distort the actual meaning.


❖ Conversing – The ability to converse in clear and concise language… think in advance what you will be speaking.


❖ Focus - Lack of focus becomes hurtful to yourself and to your career. In order to improve your focus, we advise you to work only on a single task at a time and avoid multitasking.


❖ Planning – Effective planning saves time, money, and effort.


❖ Understanding Others’ Perspective - Working with people from different and very diverse backgrounds – their education, upbringing, culture, etc. Understanding those differences fosters great relationships.


❖ Reading the Room – Emotional intelligence is a very important skill that is hard to master… it includes accessing your environment… what’s going on around you, see how they react and behave… recognize patterns in how people with similar characteristics act in a compatible way.


❖ Accepting Feedback – To understand the meaning and the “why” behind the feedback helps immensely in seeing your strengths and weaknesses.


❖ Giving Feedback – Make sure you provide feedback that is neither too vague nor too harsh.


❖ Skill Application - Seek new skills to improve effectiveness and efficiency that you might need later.


❖ Decision-Making - Learn to critically analyze the decisions and their consequences to make the best decisions.


❖ Staying Organized – This skill helps you have all the tools in their place for when you need them.


❖ Managing Time -Consider dividing your time into blocks of 10 minutes and then spend those 10 minutes blocks judiciously. Read more about the 100 Blocks a Day technique.


❖ Setting SMART Goals – These goals are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relative, and Time-Based. All business goals should have these characteristics.


❖ Understanding Yourself - To improve any aspect of your personal or professional life by understanding where you stand right now, where you plan on going next and how you are going get there

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